The Horrible Case

When we examined the likely outcomes of next week’s FOMC meeting yesterday [see: Now and Then] we devoted a couple of column inches to the possibility that Wall Street would throw a fit, much like it did in October 2014, January 2015 and August 2015, to demonstrate how sensitive it was to the taking away … continue reading →

Now and Then

The headlines on June 29, 2006 were fairly unremarkable.  The House voted to end the offshore drilling ban.  The Devil Wears Prada was being released in theaters.  And, the Senate confirmed new Treasury Secretary Lord Voldemort Hank Paulson — who was paid $48 million to take the job and subsequently ushered in the worst financial … continue reading →

Fine Tuning?

Are The Powers That Be losing control, or are they merely fine tuning the “markets” in preparation for the Fed’s rate hike next week?  Conventional wisdom says equities won’t fare well in a rising rate environment.  But, how do the currency pairs figure into that assumption? We’ll take a quick look at the big picture … continue reading →

Not Again!?

Anyone else getting tired of SPX being propped up all day long, only to tag our target on a gap down the following morning? It’s great if you play the futures and can manage the overnight risk.  But, for cash investors, it’s just one more way that TPTB are preventing you from participating in the … continue reading →