There’s a lovely English figure of speech which suggests the ridiculousness of something happening: “when pigs fly.” In German, the same sentiment can be expressed by the expression “ich glaub mein Schwein pfeift” which means “I believe my pig whistles.” DB is surely trying, but it’s having a hell of a time whistling a happy … continue reading →
Tag Archives: Deutsche Bank
I first began focusing on DB in September 2016, when a consulting client asked me to opine as to whether the stock was circling the drain or represented a buying opportunity. In our original post [see: Deutsche Bank, Will it Survive?] I concluded that a huge falling channel dating back to 1997 made it a … continue reading →
This morning’s rally is pretty good confirmation that our analog is playing out. I’ve spent 18 of the past 24 hours charting, and have some additional info on what to expect from SPX, ES, DXY, USDJPY, EURUSD, TNX, ZN, RB, CL and, of course, VIX over the next two months. I’ll post it later today, … continue reading →