Stories I’m Watching: Jan 17, 2014

If you’ve slogged through recent posts and wondered about the odds of an Asian contagion as the charts suggest, take a look at some of these articles:

BOJ Silence on Exit Strategy Stokes Concern as Inflation Emerges

Why Singapore’s Economy is Heading for an Iceland-Style Meltdown

Singapore Circuit Breakers Sought after Stock Losses

JP Morgan Sees Asian Currencies Extending Rout on Economy

China Money Rate Jumps Most This Year as PBOC Skips Injections

Thailand Turmoil Hits Across the Board

From the other side of the pond:

Eurozone M3 Money Plunge Flashes Deflation Alert for 2014

HSBC Overstated Assets by $80B, Needs $115B Injection

Fatal Spiral of Debt Threatens Global Economy

Europe Nears Japan-Style Deflation Trap

Some of the recent banking industry highlights:

Fed Exempts Banks from Volcker Rule limits on CDO’s

Fed to Delay Imposing Bank Leverage Cap for Biggest Banks

Secrets and Lies of the Bailout

Basel Regulators Ease Leverage Ratio Rule for Banks

Bank Execs Shrug off Volcker Rule

Top 5 Banks Own 44% of Industry

Traders Colluded to Rig FX Benchmark Rates

Germany’s Top Regulator: Metals and FX Price Fixing Worse than Libor

Pope Francis Replaces Vatican Director/Board Amid Allegations of Corruption

Volcker on Volcker Rule” “I don’t like it.”

JP Morgan’s Madoff Settlement: No Ongoing Disclosure or Monitoring


And, the chart of the day…





Stories I’m Watching: Jan 17, 2014 — 1 Comment

  1. Hello PW, thanks for sharing the articles regarding a possible Asian contagion. No offense. I remember exactly a year ago on Jan 2013, you had a bearish forecast as well (You changed that view in mid Feb 2013). Don’t get me wrong as I am not bullish as I am bearish as always. However, from my own experience, I had bearish bets on Jan 2011, Jan 2012 and Jan 2013. Any of these 3 years were costly to me in the first quarter with the bearish bets. I had to make up the loss during the rest of the year. So, would Jan 2014 different from the past 3 January? Is this January (or the rest of the year) be different? Thank you!