2nd Quarter Results

Many thanks to everyone who’s been a part of the new pebblewriter.com.

We just completed our first full calendar quarter.  2Q2012 came in at 37.74% — which would have ranked us #1 among managers if we were an equity mutual fund or (at least, according to one website) a hedge fund.  Now, if we can just repeat that!

Since the March 22 inception, the numbers are slightly better…


as of July 6, 2012:

Inception to date:                  +40.47%

S&P 500:                                – 2.74%

Performance Differential:      +43.21%

The Fine Print:

  1. Represents performance of a theoretical portfolio, where SPX is bought at called bottoms and shorted at called tops.  Your mileage will vary.
  2. Assumes 100% long, 100% short or 100% cash (such as when stopped out.)
  3. Prices listed reflect the index at the time tops/bottoms are called and/or trades are made and are believed, but not guaranteed, to be accurate.  Dividends ignored.
  4. MTM = marked to market.
  5. Results are since inception of pebblewriter.com on March 22, 2012.
  6. Past results are not necessarily indicative of future results.  See Disclosures and Use Agreement for important information.


2nd Quarter Results — 5 Comments

  1. hey, quick question, i forwarded your info on to a friend and he had a question – where does the 1422 sell strike price originate on April 4th?  all he sees is the high of that day being 1413. thanks!

  2. congratulations, Michael – i know i’ve already more than made up for the annual fee plus a whole lot more – i can only imagine how successful you’ve helped make others as well. here’s to fibonacci continuing to lead the way and your understanding how to chart its course!