If you haven’t noticed something strange about the market’s price action lately, you probably haven’t been paying attention. Hint: it involves more than the market “shrugging off” bad news.
This is the 9th session in a row where oil futures temporarily popped up above their 200-day moving average. Today is also the 10th out of the last 14 sessions where VIX was briefly hammered right at 9AM (the other 4 sessions, it simply cratered from an overnight high.) With futures off (horrors!) a few points, look for another trademark “breakdown” of the latest straw-man trend line.VIX got a scare yesterday when negative trade news hit the wire. The panic lasted all of 2 minutes — the amount of time it took for someone to see the aberration and mash the SHORT VIX! button.
Futures have been dancing to the same tune every day – repeatedly “saved” from an ugly open and managing to remain above their 2.618 Fibonacci extension at 3076.93 for what is now approaching 10 sessions. The algos have very clearly been running the show. SPX is off a few points? Simply hammer VIX and ramp CL by a cents. Works every time. But how long can it go on?
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